Tracking Issues Management Work That Doesn’t Make The News (Thankfully!)
We all know that media teams do all sorts of work that’s never measured in the analytics and “tracking” of standard media-monitoring tools.
Indeed, some of the most important work we do for our organizations and companies is “killing stories” or developing a comprehensive issue brief that pushes our executive leaders to answer and address hard questions we know we’ll get asked down the line.

Nowhere does this work show up in traditional media metrics.
That’s doing a disservice to the consistent and critical work being done by media and issues teams to manage their institution or company’s reputation.
We designed Broadsight Tracker to specifically to address this gap. Its simple “Service Log” interface is fully customizable to reflect the unique work and services your team provides. No more struggling to track down all those media-training sessions you led across the organization, or figuring out how your efforts to manage an issue contributed to the reputational “bottom line”—we’ve built customized reporting and analytics features that do all that and then some.

The Tracker gives you the tools to shine a spotlight on the invisible work that drives your team’s success, and you can do it daily, weekly, monthly or annually. It’s your call!
Track and show the impact of your news-value assessments, issue briefs, communications strategies or even the day-to-day work of connecting the dots on a key issue. Then flip to our dashboard and get a comprehensive and real-time view of the work that’s happening across your team. No need to task a junior staffer with hours of data-compilation and chasing senior colleagues “for their numbers.”
So, if you’re tired of the frustration of not being able to show the full scope of your team’s efforts, let Broadsight Tracker bring your invisible work into the spotlight!