The Role of PR in Brand Building: Establishing Authenticity Through Consistency

Brand building is not just a marketing buzzword. It’s a strategic imperative and the foundation of successful organizations. From Apple’s iconic logo to Coca-Cola’s timeless red-and-white color scheme, some of the world’s most recognizable brands have mastered consistency in branding across diverse platforms. 

The key to brand building with PR lies in maintaining consistency across communication efforts. Diligently sticking to your key messages establishes brand authenticity and positions your organization as a reliable source of information while building positive relationships with media and external stakeholders. 

The public relations elements of branding involve ensuring that outward messages are thoroughly vetted and aligned with organizational goals. But in practice, when numerous campaigns and media engagements run in parallel, this is easier said than done. 

Technology that automates many of your PR processes can help, as we’ll explain below. 

The Challenge of Maintaining Consistency 

Consistency in media relations is crucial for building a strong reputation. Done right, it plays a huge role in shaping public perception and fostering trust among stakeholders, ultimately paving the way to building a stronger and more authentic brand. 

But maintaining consistency in public relations can be challenging in an evolving media landscape. Each media outlet has its own style and tone. With a variety of journalists and publications to work with, PR teams can have a hard time ensuring that key messages are communicated uniformly. 

Another hurdle is the time and effort required for mundane day-to-day tasks like following up on media requests, connecting the dots on issues, and tracking outcomes. The more of these time-consuming tasks your team has to handle, the more opportunities there are to expose the system to inconsistencies. 

Juggling multiple campaigns, publications and deadlines can make it difficult for PR teams to stay consistent in their messaging. (Image by @dylandgillis on Unsplash)

Building a credible brand through consistency calls for adaptability and a forward-thinking approach. Standardized workflows and protocols are essential in helping PR teams collaborate seamlessly and effectively. 

This is where automation comes in. Entrusting some of the more tedious tasks and processes to automated tools and software can help PR teams achieve greater control over brand-building efforts. 

Automation is The Key to Streamlined PR Workflow 

Automation can help PR teams optimize various aspects of their workflow. From AI-assisted press-release writing to media-monitoring tools, we have many technologies at our disposal today. But managing this array of platforms and technologies can add more complexity than it resolves. 

For large PR teams, having line-of-sight and context on all the information flowing through their systems is crucial. Broadsight Tracker was designed by experienced media relations leaders to address this very need. It’s an all-in-one solution that streamlines the most crucial elements of a PR team’s day-to-day work—from logging and managing media interactions to generating meaningful, customized reports. 

Maintaining all your team’s work on a single platform not only saves countless hours of time, but also offers instant insights on what matters. The real-time visibility allows for swift adjustments and adaptations, ensuring that PR teams can retain control over shaping narratives. 

Moreover, the immediacy afforded by this automation empowers PR teams to respond promptly to media inquiries and opportunities. This responsiveness, intertwined with consistent messaging, is what contributes to the establishment of trust and credibility. 

The role of automation extends beyond efficiency. It becomes the cornerstone for fostering authenticity by empowering PR teams to swiftly address inquiries, seize opportunities, and actively participate in the ongoing dialogue surrounding their organization. 

A brand that can maintain a coherent voice across diverse interactions is viewed as reliable. The role of PR in branding is consistent messaging. By streamlining workflows and saving time, automation allows PR teams to ensure that every communication reflects their brand’s identity.